Find drugs in home for teenage drug abuse – Los Angeles service

Last Updated:  
April 5, 2024
Find drugs in home for teenage drug abuse – Los Angeles service

When it comes to teenagers and young adults , it can be very difficult for parents to believe that their child may be abusing drugs. It is a thought that no parent wants to accept. Unfortunately, teenagers are naturally curious and the use of drugs is on the rise.

Casual use of prescription and over-the-counter medications is on the rise. Non-prescribed use of Adderall, Ritalin and other ADHD drugs are routinely bought or traded between friends without regard. Additionally they have access to Opioids and other painkillers which is proven to lead to use of Heroin when supply becomes short or too costly.

Reports also show while the incidents of Cocaine and Crack have gone down, the use of MDMA in the form of Ecstasy or Molly has become a widely used party drug among young adults in small and larger communities alike.

It is not uncommon for parents to be unaware​ of children abusing drugs. Teenage mood swings and social consequences normally seen as a part of growing up can be easily confused with that of a person abusing drugs. Trouble sleeping, lack of motivation in their academic studies, tardiness, isolation from the family, and changes in appetite or personality are all signs of drug abuse, which can be easily overlooked by a parent or all too easily explained away.

In Home Canine Drug Detection Service in Los Angeles

The deterrent value of openly introducing us to your family can be an excellent tool as a reminder that nothing illicit should be used, stored, or brought into your home.

Some parents feel that using a service such as ours is a breach of trust with their children. However….. consider this. If we conduct a search and locate nothing, you can further build your trust bond with your child, taking comfort in our findings and potentially address the concerns you have, and locate the real source the problems. If our search uncovers contraband or illegal drugs, then it is the child who has broken the bond of trust and not the parent. As mentioned previously, it is recommended the target of interest NOT be present during the search, and while we don’t advocate for parents to keep things from their children, our discretion allows for parents to handle the matter as they see fit. They will never know we were at your home unless it comes from you.

find drugs in home los angeles

In the event you have already found your child to be using drugs, or if they are in recovery and returning home after rehabilitation, our service can provide assurance that nothing has been left in the home previously, proving it to be a safe environment. K9’s are well known for their effectiveness in scent detection. The deterrent value of openly introducing us to your family can be an excellent tool as a reminder that nothing illicit should be used, stored, or brought into your home.

We will be happy to discuss your options and tailor a program for you. Which will not only help keep drugs out of your home, but will aid in the growth of your child through abstinence or assist with their recovery and sobriety.

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